Sam Rothermel

Sam Rothermel


One Arm Pull-Up

Deadlift: 305

Bench: 150

*Currently training for Strong First's Iron Maiden Challenge*


NCSF Strength Coach



Animal Flow

Progressive Bodyweight

About Coach

As a former nationally-ranked gymnast and bodybuilder, I'm not a stranger to the thrill of competitive sports and the mindset needed to sustain them at a high level. I started my fitness career at Equinox in 2015 and became a founding coach on their digital platform EQX+ back in 2019. Though my days of being a competitor are behind me, my fire for skill-based work and achieving new feats of strength remain––and are almost as bright as my hair.

Turning Point

In 2018, several weeks before my third national bodybuilding show, I herniated two discs in my lumbar spine. I pushed through to the competition, ended up placing poorly, and had to come to terms with the fact that a significant break was necessary, if I was going to recover properly. During that time, I became acutely aware of my "why": that fitness was not just about moving for my physical well-being, but my mental health, and that I needed to focus on longevity if I was going to sustain it.

Motivation & Passion

My injury really illuminated that I was interested in meeting clients where they're at in their fitness journey. Accessibility is at the heart of my coaching and I delight in helping members find their inner athlete.

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